Saturday, August 28, 2010

Watch Out!!!

"Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. "
- M. Scott Peck

Some gifts are meant to be cherished and kept forever. They are a way of telling the other person that you are cared for. It goes to show the thoughtfulness of the gifter and the importance of the giftee.

I believe all the gifts I have received show how well the other person has started to understand my likes/dislikes, taste, choice and preferences. The latest addition to the collection is a watch gifted by a special someone. It was precisely the piece I would have picked out from amongst a million others. It was bang-on with the specifications of the kind I liked, but never had. White dial, rectangular in shape coupled with a brown leather strap. I, for one, have never been comfortable wearing a watch with a metal strap. I somehow find it very inconvenient. Leather straps, on the other hand, appear to be very classy indeed. They exude an inherent quality of being premium, upwardly, and rich. Of course, I'm talking about the ones that do come with a classy leather strap. This takes my collection up to a total of 5 (unbeaten, if I may add).

I still have my sights set on the special Hugo Boss that first caught my eye on a Jet Airways flight from Delhi to Mumbai before joining Barclays as a full time employee. I saw it on an in-flight magazine's centre-fold page. It was the most amazing watch I had ever seen. Round dial in black with a wonderful display that was textured on the inside. It had three separate dials to mention the date, the day and the 24-hour circle of the day. Its plating had a beautiful reddish tinge to it. It was shiny enough to attract attention but not with the arrogance of Gold. The round dial was neither too chunky, nor too ordinary. The reddish tinge made it a beautiful spectacle and I couldn't take my eyes off it for a long time. It had class written all over it: Bold, Italicized, underlined...

I spotted this watch much later at the Shoppers' Stop outlet in Dynamix Mall, Juhu. I summoned the courage to enquire the price, completely overawed by the masterpiece and not knowing what to expect. "Rs. 37,000 only", replied the diminutive salesman behind the counter. The "only" seemed to hurt the most. I felt some prickly object pinch the deeper spaces of my heart. It seemed to puncture my broken heart with a needle and I swear a teardrop formed inside my eye. Given my present status as a carefree, free spirited (no pun intended) bachelor with a decent earning I could afford it. But, it was an extravagance I thought best to avoid at that point in time. All the values passed through generations seemed to coalesce and shout at me, "YOU DARE NOT DO IT, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT". It would have cost me a significant proportion of my monthly take home salary in return for having the satisfaction of wearing it on my wrist. I still haven't been relieved of this romance for that masterwork of a Hugo Boss craftsman and I aspire to make it mine someday when it no longer costs a sizable fraction of my monthly earning.

My fixation/ affection/ affinity for/towards watches( and clocks, for that matter) has been an integral part of me for as long as I can remember. It began with an HMT Zap that I received as a birthday gift when I was probably in second or third standard. Maybe in the fourth, I don't quite remember. I recall wearing a light blue (Electric blue, in current parlance) watch to school proudly. It was a big achievement to wear a watch to school as most of the others weren't even very accurate with their ability to decipher the time. The watches then mostly seemed to be a collection of small ( and smaller) needles rotating about a point. Their relative positions to a fixed dial were somehow supposed to help us in measuring the fourth dimension. My experience of wearing a watch to school at an early age had got off to a jump start. "Hey You... Yes, you...the one with the blue watch", shouted the teacher;" You're not allowed to wear a watch to school till the sixth standard". She took away my beautiful blue HMT Zap and asked me to collect it from her after school was over for the day.

I guess it is a passion that was inbuilt into my CPU by the Almighty himself. Its a fascination that has only grown in magnitude since the very first day I wore a watch to school. I( a meagre earthling) am nobody to question the logic of the Almighty on why some, like me, are crazy about watches while others don't really give a rat's a** about it. All I can say is, if You have given me a passion , please also be kind enough to provide the means to be a really successful watch enthusiast. I'm ready to accept the same in Cash/ Cheque/ RTGS/NEFT or by way of gift(s) from people I know.
Till then, WATCH OUT!!!

1 comment:

Amateur said...

Dude. I swear i will gift you your dream watch on your 25th anniversary!!! Both you and your someone special can thank me for it. :-)

But I get a feeling that you will buy it long before that. Dude that day is not far off when the salesman will say Rs.37,000 and you will add "only".

Cheers to that thought. ;-)